@JohnPhilpin Makes me think of the story of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. Supposedly caused a riot the first performance. A year later, same venue, mostly the same audience, Stravinsky was hailed as a conquering hero, carried out on the shoulders of the crowds.

Or that's the story.

@jean Good point. I started using my Pros just prior to the pandemic, I guess. FWIW, though, elastic mask loops deform my ear enough that my pros don't stay in well while I'm masked. Makes it hard to give off that "don't talk to me, I think everyone is contagious" vibe when I'm in the grocery store.

@manton Awesome. Again, not a big deal, but I just noticed it stood out among all my other podcast subs.

@jean I just went through this. My old Airpods could barely hold a charge for 20 minutes. Got the pros back, and while the case is old and doesn't have a great battery, the pods themselves are awesome. So glad I won't have to replace for another couple of years.

@manton I'm working on a podcast app, and in doing testing on streaming, I noticed that Core Intuition's RSS feed doesn't seem to include episode durations. Any special reason for that? It's not a huge deal, but it means I disable the scrubber for your podcast.