On Poetry

My kid is taking an on-line poetry course, and this particular program encourages parents to participate. The first assignment is due on Friday, and the assignment was simply, “Write a free-verse poem.”

However, I was not satisfied with the somewhat glib answer I’d given in the pre-course questionnaire, which had asked, “What do you feel about poetry?”

So I figured I’d give it another round within the assignment.

“On Poetry”

There are occasions when Words fly from my lips Or flow from my fingers Effortlessly Effervescently floating in the light Focusing and flaring Refracting ephemera into effect and affect and…

And sometimes not

There are times when my thoughts are fleeting Like footsteps echoing down the empty Stench filled ole factories I have to dig deep In the dirt, in the chert, till it…

And then I stop

Because the act of creation can’t be An act of destruction if it means I’m deconstructing me At the expense of we And maybe, just maybe

I have to let it go

But I know that If I eat And If I sleep And If I’m kind To you and them and he and she And me

Yes, me

The words will once again Fly from my lips And flow from my fingers Effortlessly