For what it’s worth, I wrote a 500 word treatise on the value of an App Store subscription option for games a couple of years ago, and then decided not to hit submit becaue it was on Tumblr and I was legit concerned that I’d get some crazy blowback.

So I know it’s just a day away and there’s been all kinds of buzz, so it’s not like I’m voicing an original thought here anymore, but for the record, I’m all in on gaming subscriptions.

And on a related note, I’m working on a game idea, kind of a spin on the old Simon game. Just started it the other day, but it’s starting to become an actual game. Let me know if you want to play test it.

I was planning on giving the thing away for free with pseudo-ads in it. What’s a pseudo-ad? I know a bunch of people who make and stuff independently, e.g. artists on Etsy, independent authors, game creators, and more, and I was going to just promote their stuff because hey, maybe it works. And I also have causes I support, so I was going to promote those. If that all works, I might automate it and build it into a sort of community ad network, but we’ll see.

If they make a game subscription, I’ll bet it disallows ads, in which case, I’ll either make two versions or disallow them based on flags provided in the app store. Again, we’ll see.