I've decided to try intermittent fasting.

I usually avoid crazes but I’ve decided to give intermittant fasting a try. The popular wisdom is that grazing in small meals is a good idea, but it doesn’t quite work for me. For whatever reason, my body craves one big meal a day, no matter how much or how little I’ve been grazing.

When talking to a friend about 16/8 intermittent fasting, I was realizing that I can’t remember the last time I was actually hungry. With the grazing plan, I was never far from a handful of nuts or some celery or a small sandwich.

And what I think might have been the worst thing for me is that I typically had a snack before going to bed, and looking back, I think that’s really affected my sleep.

I’m just a few days into the 16/8 intermittent fasting plan, and so far, so good. I’m actually hungry when I eat my first meal, and I’ve got plenty of energy the rest of the day. I’m definitely sleeping better, and, while I know it’s a bit early to worry about the scale, I’ve already lost three pounds.

So there’s that.

Anyone else tried this? What’s your story?