Hopeful and curious

Just a thought on the current state of the US government.

If what seems to be the case–that the Russian Government has undue influence on Trump–then it seems that there are a few things to call into question.

Who knew what and when?

Pence? Ryan? McConnell? Others?

Of the folks who supported Trump during this time, what were their reasons for doing so?

Naked power grab because they were getting what they wanted? Trump had intel on them and they were blackmailed? Or maybe they were giving him more rope by which to hang himself?

If their motives and actions were not pure, what should the response be? Impeachment? Criminal charges?

What about decisions that were made during this term so far? Clearly his cabinet has to go, right? What about executive orders? What about laws signed into place? What about judicial nominations? If not only Trump, but other folks as well were under inappropriate influences, shouldn’t they go, too?

And most of all, what about the GOP in general? And the pathways that dark money takes? And how do we prevent something like the NRA from being infected again?

I don’t have any answers, but it seems like cracks are showing in our democracy, and it is clear that certain things need shoring up.