A brief review of the new iPad pro

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that I got an iPad pro in order to research a project to help children who are otherwise unable to communicate. This is my first new iPad in five years–my most recent one was the 2nd generation iPad mini–and I’d like to write a brief review of it.

Everything you’ve read about it already is true. It’s fast, it’s capable, all the multitasking features–such as they are–work way better on this device than on my old mini. But for most tasks, I have to admit, while I’m using it, I feel a little buyer’s remorse, because after all that expense, it’s just an iPad.

And then I go back to my mini, and I remember just how slow it is by comparison.

It’s funny how it’s easy not to notice those great benefits while using them; it’s easiest to miss them when they’re gone.

The other thing is that it’s huge. I got the 11”, and I really miss the mini form factor. If they made a mini with pro-size bezels and all the features, I’d be thrilled. I’ve heard there’s a new mini coming, but I’ll bet it’s not going to be pro-style.

The pencil is awesome, and I’m trying to draw more now that I have it. My only complaint is that there’s not enough friction between it and the glass, so what little muscle memory I have for drawing on paper does not help me.

Also, the keyboard in the folio is nice, but the whole folio is really, really thick. Combined with the size of the device, it almost feels like carrying around a laptop that’s not quite as nice to use as a laptop.

For all the reasons people talk about, I’m glad I have it. the only negatives are really about my own personal preferences, and the positives truly outweigh those negatives. And based on the performance and battery life of this thing, I know I’m going to get good use out of it for a long, long time.